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Plasmodesmata are plant communication channels

Plant cells are connected by pores that allow the transport of nutrients, RNA and proteins. In a collaboration between 4 laboratories, we investigate their structure, function and evolution.

Our work on signalling pathways in meristems is closely connected with somewhat engimatic plant organelles, the plasmodesmata (PDs). PDs are plasma membrane lined cytoplasmic channels with an ER thread that allow the exchange of small molecules such as sugars or ions, but also proteins and RNA between cells. Transport through PDs is coordinated and highly regulated. In the ERC-funded Synergy project called SYMPORE, we have joined forces with the Frommer, Schulze and Baumeister labs (see links) to unravel the structure and function of PDs. In the Sympore team, we analyse the PD proteome and lipidome, localise the individual components using super resolution fluorescence and electron microscopy, characterise the function of PD components using newly generated mutants, and study transport of small and large molecules through PD. One highlight of the project will be the unravelling of PD structures using CryoET.

To get a broad view on the core and derived functions of PDs, we are here working with diverse species, including moss, Arabidopsis, algae and Nicotiana.

  • Dr. Elmehdi Bahafid | Building 26.14 Floor 00 Room 067 | Phone +49 211 81-15963 | E-mail

  • Dr. Vicky Howe | Building 26.14 Floor 00 Room 067 | Phone +49 211 81-15963 | E-mail

  • Dr. Neda Sadat Kazemein Jasemi | Building 26.14 Floor 00 Room 067 | Phone +49 211 81-15963 | E-mail