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Peptide and receptor kinase signalling pathways

Plant cells communicate via secreted peptides that are recognised by receptors on the plasmamembrane. We study receptor functions, their interaction and turnover.

CLE peptide and receptor signalling pathways play important roles in many developmental pathways in plants, but also in response to nutrient status and pathogen attacks. Signalling is regulated at multiple levels: we found that the receptor like protein CLV2 interacts with the cytoplasmic kinase CRN, and that this interaction is important for a range of related CLE-type signalling pathways in plants. We study how CLV2 and CRN affect the availability of CLE receptors, and how these evolutionary conserved proteins can act as central regulators to integrate multiple signalling pathways.

The molecular events that occur after interaction of the CLE peptide with its receptor are not understood. Heterotrimeric G-proteins have been implicated in downstream signalling events, and we found that a fast response to CLE peptides in root cells involves the release of intracellular Calcium-ions. We are studying the Calcium-ion response pathways and other signalling mediators. In both project parts, we are making use of novel optogenetic tools to study intercellular signalling in plants.

  • Dr. Rebecca Burkart | Building 26.14 Floor 00 Room 067 | Phone +49 211 81-15963 | E-mail

  • Dr. Madhumitha Narasimhan | Building 26.14 Floor 00 Room 067 | Phone +49 211 81-15963 | E-mail